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NATO gennem 75 år: Oprindelse, Udvikling og Fremtid

Clausewitz, inkommensurable paradigmer og USA’s kamp mod den globale terror

Clausewitz, inkommensurable paradigmer og USA’s kamp mod den globale terror

Clausewitz, inkommensurable paradigmer og USA’s kamp mod den globale terror, fra 2002.

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Evolving Russian Attitude to NATO and EU Enlargement: Westernisation, Europe, and the War against Terrorism

Evolving Russian Attitude to NATO and EU Enlargement: Westernisation, Europe, and the War against Terrorism

Evolving Russian Attitude to NATO and EU Enlargement: Westernisation, Europe, and the War against Terrorism, fra 2002.

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Guerilla og terrorvirksomhed i vore dage

Guerilla og terrorvirksomhed i vore dage

Guerilla og terrorvirksomhed i vore dage, 1976.

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